Designing the Smile of Keity Drennan
Miss Panamá to Miss Universo
How should teeth be in a Smile Design?
EThe Smile Design started as a way to obtain a Perfect Smile, as a result the teeth looked very elaborate, a very white color, in other words it was predictable to know when a person had a smile design, now one more step has been taken in the search for the natural and this has involved finding a balance between a beautiful smile and the perfect smile, requiring dentists working in Dental Aesthetics to be more careful in handling color and shaping the tooth, having to use techniques well-defined to reach that beautiful but natural smile.
Andrea Maria Torres Mojica
Another one of the smiles that makes us proud is Andrea's, not only for her beauty but for her gift of people.
We know that it will leave the name of our country in Vietnam high.